Sometimes, a person doesn't want to be alone but to be left alone. There is a difference. When somebody asks to be left alone for sometime, one should be given that time. If one is asking for no disturbance, one should not be disturbed. It can be periodical or often or rare depending on person to person. It happens when We don't want to answers calls, don't wish to get buzzed on messengers, hide in the corner of our rooms or sit at a secluded place in classrooms or go might be on stairs in offices or just sit quietly wherever we are for a while because it's totally fine. It is perfectly ok. We, at times are in a need to understand and be understood. understand : that whatever it is, it's going to be fine and being understood : by those who keep on asking what happened ?
We've seen Dexter's Laboratory, it was a hugely spread lab within a small house. I never saw it as a lab, for me it was like his personal space. His own created space and not just a lab ; space where he was what he wanted to be and that soothed his mind - his favorite place to be. That was a cartoon but we can have this space in our minds where we can talk to ourselves, think of things we want , introspect and be the way we want to be and simply to relax. Introspection can be dangerous , mind you. When you search in your mind and dig for the answers you might realize things that can break you. For instance, how it was your fault at places where you blamed it all on someone else and now you know how mean you were and just can't do anything without it but regret. All these things add to more confusion and a break down .
Personal space is important at:
Work place- for people might now want to share everything with everyone and be judged.
In a relationship - because a calm mind settles things well than an infuriated impulsive brain.
From friends - because anyone can hurt anyone and one so taking a step back for sometime might give a break.
At parties - for not everyone enjoys such loud music and people around them and they're probably at the venue under family or peer pressure
So basically from anyone and anywhere!!!
A person might be tangled in personal problems in his mind or just couldn't understand things around him or just not feeling better . Anyone asking for a break/ space/ time shall be given that. The person will get back to you better only.