Back in 2014 on my way back home, there was an irritating itching on my arms and neck. In no time, the skin started turning red and I assumed it’s because I rubbed and itched so hard. Till I got home, it was turning deep red and I was worried if I’m changing into some other species.
Itchy eruptions and redness were all that I could see. It was scary. I never saw anything like this happening to anyone. On consulting a skin specialist, I came across a new term and yet another problem- PHOTO-SENSITIVITY. I was told that, in simple terms, sun doesn’t suit me (I always knew it, anyway) and excessive lighting anyway would harm me.
This generally happens to young females. Different skin types react differently to different amounts of sun exposure. My skin reacts very badly to even a small amount of sunlight or fluorescent lights. Sun-blocks don’t work for me and covering every inch of the body in 40 degrees causes this (check images).
Photo- allergy can cause rashes, sunburns and blistering. Whenever you something of this kind happening to your skin, congratulations for turning into a Pokemon! Jokes apart, see the doctor without wasting any more time.
Photo-sensitivity can be very dangerous, can cause diseases you don’t wish to know and harms skin in a way you don’t wish to see. Cover yourself properly and don’t take a chance.